The purpose of the post is to explain regular verbs in Spanish. Irregular verbs do not follow a pattern, regular Hispanic verbs do.
At the end of this lesson I have a game! Try it, it is word search it will help lock in what you have learned.
I make professional Spanish verb flashcards which will teach you all the verbs you need to know in the past, present and future tense. They are amazing in terms of art and effectiveness.
However, here is a very simple explanation of verbs.
The categories of regular verbs are:
- Spanish -ar ending verbs (such as hablar – which means to speak)
- Spanish -er ending verbs (such as comer – which means to eat)
- Spanish -ir ending verbs (such as vivir – which means to live)
These endings refer to the infinitive. Here is how -ar verbs are conjurgated.
Ar verbs in Spanish
- I – hablo
- you – habla
- he – habla
- she – habla
- we- hablamos
- You-all – hablan
- They – hablan
Notice you do not use a personal pronoun in Spanish. It is implied in the verb form.
Sample sentence which needs no translation: ¿Habla usted español?
Ir verbs in Spanish
- I – como
- You- come
- He -come
- She – come
- We – comemos
- You-all coméis (informal)
- They comen
Ir verbs in Spanish
- I – vivo
- You – vive
- He – vive
- She – vive
- We – vivimos
- You-all – viven
- They – viven
What the present tense means in Spanish?
Present tense (indicative) in Spanish means three things.
- I speak Spanish.
- I do speak Spanish.
- I am speaking Spanish.
This tense is the most important tense in Spanish, it is like the English simple and continuous tense in one. In fact, if you know this one and only tense you could in write novels in the Hispanic language.
More Spanish regular verb grammar
- 1st Conjugation. Hablar (to speak)
- Present Part. Hablando (speaking)
- Past Part. Hablado (spoken)
The present simple tense
Again lets look at the verb to speak.
- Yo hablo (I speak)
- Nosotros (m.) hablamos (we speak)
- Nosotras (f.) hablamos (we speak)
- Tú hablas[informal] (You speak)
- Vosotros (m.) habláis (you speak)
- Vosotras (f.) habláis (you speak)
- Él or Ella habla (he or she speaks)
- Ellos (m.) hablan (they speak)
- Ellas (f.) hablan (they speak)
- Usted habla (you speak)[formal].
- Ustedes hablan (you speak).[formal]
Spanish verb Temer (to fear)
- Present Part. Temiendo.
- Past Part. Temido.
- Presesnt Tense, Indicivtive Mood.
- Yo temo
- Nosotros (m.) temenos
- Nosotras (f.) temenos
- Tú temes
- Vosotros (m.) teméis
- Vosotras (f.) teméis
- Él teme
- Ellos (m.) temen
- Ella teme
- Ellas (f.) temen
- V. teme
- Vs. temen
Partir (to depart, to set out)
- Present Part. Partiendo.
- Past Part. Partido.
- Present Tense, Indic. Mood.
- Yo parto
- Nosotros (m.) partimos
- Nosotras (f.) partimos
- Tú partes
- Vosotros (m.) partís
- Vosotras (f.) partís
- Él parte
- Ellos (m.) parten
- Ella parte
- Ellas (f.) parten
- V. parte
- Vs. parten
Hispanic regular verb game – word search
N | A | L | B | A | H | S | J |
C | E | M | O | C | A | O | S |
N | O | V | O | V | B | M | C |
E | X | M | I | H | L | I | O |
M | O | V | E | V | A | V | M |
O | O | B | E | M | M | I | É |
C | H | A | B | L | O | V | I |
E | V | I | V | N | S | S | S |
This is the basic pattern of regular verbs in Spanish. The patterns or of these change are clear. I think the most important is knowing I, you and he(she). If you know these then you can speak and understand most sentences. I have never been big on memorizing the entire table. Almost better than the whole verb are the endings.
However, since most verbs are regular in Spanish maybe in this case it is not a bad idea. Try printing this lesson out and carrying it with you for a day or so and you will have made a huge leap in the Spanish language.
I want to here what you think of this post and how it can be improved as I want to help you learn Spanish.