Spanish words money
Learning a word list of Spanish money vocabulary is not only good to know in Spain but anywhere you go, read more.
Did you know until a few years ago the stock market traded in 1/8s not one a base ten system? Why not? Spanish pieces of eight. The Spanish were the great merchants of the world in the golden age of sail.
Spanish terms that are connected to money turn up all over the world in unexpected places.
If you want to get by in Spanish with a basic word list before you go shopping my recommendation is copy the following list to notepad and print it out.
Walk around with it for 1 day until you feel you know it well.
Spanish word list money
cash = efectivo
cash machine = cajero automático
cent = céntimo / centavo
check = cheque
cheque = cheque
cheque book = talonario
coin = moneda
currency = moneda
current account = cuenta corriente
dime = (moneda de) 10 centavos
dollar = dólar
grand = mil dólares / mil libras
money = dinero
penny = penique
quarter = (moneda de) 25 centavos
small change = calderilla
Quiz for Hispanic currency vocabulary
Below are Spanish money word exercises you can use for free online. After you learn the word list above, which should take about a day, test yourself with these and see who well you do.
cash machine = cajero automático
cent = céntimo / centavo
check = cheque
cheque = cheque
cheque book = talonario
coin = moneda
currency = moneda
current account = cuenta corriente
dime = (moneda de) 10 centavos
dollar = dólar
grand = mil dólares / mil libras
money = dinero
penny = penique
quarter = (moneda de) 25 centavos
small change = calderilla
I am not a native speaker in the Spanish language. So if you see any mistakes or corrections to my vocabulary list or quiz let me know, or if you have additional words you think should be added let me know and I will add it to my Spanish words money page.