
Spanish days of the week

Spanish days of the week vocabulary lesson

The purpose of this post is to give you many interesting ways to learn the days of the week in Spanish, which goes beyond a normal online free Spanish page.

The first way I will help you learn the Spanish days of the week are with link words. These are memory aides that help you remember words through associations.

Then I will give you a short quiz. I believe the most important thing to learn Spanish is to get to a critical level of vocabulary. I think the best way to learn this is through testing and retesting.  I teach and study languages and I know what I am talking about, for your brain to remember something you need to quiz and test yourself.

Last, I give you some interesting extra facts about the days of the week in Spanish. So I hope this post will be of value to you.

Spanish days of the week with pronunciation and mnemonics:

  • The Spanish word for Sunday is domingo. The pronunciation is: doe-min-go. To remember that Spanish word for Sunday image that you play ‘dominos’ after church on Sunday with a Spanish priest.
  • The Spanish word for Monday in Spanish is lunes. The pronunciation is: lou-ness. Imagine your driving to work on Monday morning and there are only ‘lunatics’ on the road.
  • The Spanish word for Tuesday is martes. The pronunciation is: mar-tess. On Tuesday you are the ‘smartess’ as you are rested from the weekend but its not Monday.
  • The Spanish word for Wednesday is miércoles.
    The pronunciation is: mee-air-couless. Imagine ‘air cools less’ on Wednesday because it is the middle of the week and a long way until the weekend.
  • The Spanish word for Thursday is jueves
    The pronunciation is: whey-vess. Imagine you ‘weigh less’ on Thursday as you have been working out all week.
  • The Spanish word for Friday is viernes.
    The pronunciation is: vee-air-ness. Imagine you meet the ‘heiress’ with a great fortune so you can plan a trip to Madrid or Mexico for the weekend.
  • The Spanish word for Saturday is sábado.
    The pronunciation is: saa-ba-doe. This is like the word Sabbath.

Spanish days of the week

Vocabulary Quiz

Test your ability to jettison your English Spanish dictionary when it come to Spanish days of the week with my quiz.  Do it until you get 100% a couple of time times as this is a relatively short list.  If you have trouble remembering the word with the above mnemonics try to visualize the word or spell the word in the air with your finger.

  1. Sunday
  2. Monday
  3. Tuesday
  4. Wednesday
  5. Thursday
  6. Friday
  7. Saturday

First day of the week in Spain and Mexico

The first day of the week in Spain is actually Monday, the first day of the week in Mexico, Puerto Rico and other Latin American or Hispanic areas is Sunday as it is in the US. For me when I moved to Europe this was confusing a bit. On one hand the Europeans and Spanish are correct, Monday is the first day of the week as we all go to work on this day. Yet on the other hand, Spain being a Catholic country, should see the last day as the day God rested, that is one Saturday and Sunday being the start of something new. But it does not really matter as each culture has a different day. Spanish weekdays are Monday though Friday, that is all you have to know.

Abbreviations for the days of the week in Spanish

Monday is Lu
Tuesday is Ma
Wednesday is Mx
Thursday is Ju
Friday is Vi
Saturday is Sab
Sunday is Dom

On a calendar it could also be:
Dom. as Domingo
Lun. as Lunes
Mar. as Martes
Mié. as Miércoles
Jue. as Jueves
Vie. as Viernes
Sáb. as Sábado

Last list of Spanish days of the week that is less common is single letter abbreviations:

This is useful if you are using any software like outlook or calendar with only abbreviations, maybe its more useful for than the actual vocabulary.

Spanish days

The above image is just for fun as it has the same title as this is a famous Spanish American post card.

I am trying to create a valuable resource to help people learn Spanish online for free bit by bit. I want to teach it  in small lessons with out some great hardcore program, rather light and interesting lessons on vocabulary and language. If you have any ideas about the Spanish language or suggestions please let me know, including the days of the week in Spanish.

4 replies on “Spanish days of the week”

I believe it’s easier to learn something if it’s fun to learn. Make sense? Probably not. I’m a fairly simple woman who dislikes the English language, let alone other languages but I live in South Florida and it would be very helpful if I understood some of the clerks I come across in my daily living.

Thank you for this endeavor.

I’m not sure where you are getting your information, but Monday is the first day of the week in the US, not Sunday.

I know it doesn’t sound right. We call Saturday and Sunday the Weekend in the United States but on any calendar, Sunday starts the week. I think it is because our work week starts on Monday. We think of that as the first day. But it is Sunday.

I am from Mexico and we at our calendars we started with Sunday an there is explaining from Mexico and Spain the page is correct

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