
Spanish words vegetables

Hispanic words vegetables Why are Spanish vegetables important even if you do not live in Madrid?  I am an American living in Eastern Europe and we get a lot of vegetables from Spain, like the USA gets a lot of veggies and produce from Mexico. If you have all these imported tomatoes and foods from […]


Spanish accounting words

Spanish accounting words Whether your in Spain or Mexico the language of accounting is basically the same. If you can earn a half dozen important words, it is a good start. You need to know the basics like ‘income’ and ‘bill’, these are high frequency words. Believe it or not I am actually an accountant, […]


Spanish words business

Spanish words business I have worked in business my whole life, but started to study the Spanish language just recently.  I put to this list of Spanish business words together, combine this with my other economic and financial word lists you will have a good working vocabulary if you ever go to Spain or Mexico. […]


Spanish words economic

Spanish Economic words I have a master’s degree in Economics, however, I am learning Spanish.  Economics is ever where, in the news to office water cooler chat. If you learn my Spanish economics word list you will be one step ahead of the game when it comes to understand news and everyday conversation. To learn […]


Spanish words personal finance

Spanish words personal finance These are a few words that will keep your personal money matters in order while in Spain or Latin America. My personal views on spending and saving is this. I never ever take credit. If I can not afford something I do not buy it. I do not buy junky things, […]


Spanish words investing

Spanish words for investing The Latin American stock markets are considered emerging markets, while in Spain the  Madrid market is a mature Euro market, however, whichever market you are investing in know this Spanish language words if you want to be on top financially and linguistically. I am not a native speaker in Spanish so […]


Spanish words money

Spanish words money Learning  a word list of Spanish money vocabulary is not only good to know in Spain but anywhere you go, read more. Did you know until a few years ago the stock market traded in 1/8s not one a base ten system? Why not? Spanish pieces of eight. The Spanish were the […]


Spanish words clothing

Spanish word list for clothing If you want to learn Spanish words for clothing I created a nice little flashcard page where you can practice words for clothes in Spain or Latin America.  It is not really a flashcard page but more a Spanish quiz on clothing words. My recommendation is copy this basic Spanish […]